6 Reasons Why You Shouldnt Have a Marketing Video

Written by Justin Dean on 01/01/23


SME’s, Start-ups, Corporates and Brands enjoy the returns that video marketing brings - but there are still businesses out there that are resistant to trying this medium.  Are you one of them? If so, you are not alone…

1.   You don’t need video - your current marketing is working!

Great – but there’s always room for improvement!  Including video on a website landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%* so the only reason not to embrace video is if you are scared of getting more audience share and business, if so, what are you in business for in the first place, all the free lunches?

2.   You tried this and didn’t get a response…

Great marketing tools still rely on good marketing practice.  What did you actually do with the video - post on Facebook and hope for the best?  Was it professional enough? How did it compare to your competitors? Video should open up opportunities and can be used for networking, reaching new audiences, internal communications – the list goes on so why wouldn’t you try again?  What’s that famous saying? ‘If at first you don’t succeed…bury your head in the sand’.  Oh yes that’s it…

3.   You don’t want or need to appeal to a young audience…

Businesses may assume video content only appeals to the under 25’s – not true.  75% of executives told ‘Forbes’ that they watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week** and 59% of senior executives told ‘Forbes Insight’ that they would rather watch a video than read text**.  So video is worth the investment right? - but hold fire, heaven forbid you do actually attract a younger audience – you had better learn to rap a.s.a.p. so you can communicate with them.

4.   You can’t find the inspiration! 

You are ‘stuck in a rut’ and doomed to repeat the same old marketing tactics.  You probably also have fish and chips every Friday night, never miss an episode of Casualty and dread running out of bourbon biscuits in the office. Inspiration comes from change and communication.

5.   You never have time to do this!

What are you going to do instead - another lousy ad in the paper? Word of warning: throwing money away on advertising that doesn’t grow audience is like…well…throwing money away on advertising that doesn’t grow audience.

6.   You don’t have the budget to have a video produced…

It’s the 21st century you don’t need to use a film studio to create awesome content! Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your marketing – what are you spending money on that just doesn’t work? Invest that cash in measurable video marketing and while you’re at it a few marketing know how books too – it sounds like you may just need the advice!


If you are still not convinced about video marketing then don’t worry, a lack of innovation will probably lead to your business failing anyway and then you won’t have to think about marketing ever again.


*Statistics taken from blog.hotspot.com

**source: www.videobrewery.com

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